Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
Welcome to the course!
How the learning, interaction and progress works...
Module 1: Introduction to podcasting
What is Podcasting and why is it a good idea.
Module 2: Starting your podcast part 1 – the technical aspects.
Let's look at what equipment we are going to need.
Module 3: Starting your podcast part 2 - structuring.
How to structure a Podcast.
Module 4: Recording, producing, and hosting your podcast.
Editing and hosting your podcast.
Module 5: Recap & reflections
A recap of what we have covered & skills you should have now:-)
Meet the partners
This course is a main product of a 2-year project - "Coming to the Nordics" funded by the NORDPLUS Adult of the NORDIC Council. The project and the resultant course are a collaboration among the following institutions: